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Cassidy, Tina (2007). Birth: The Surprising History of How We are Born
Chamberlain, David, Dr. (2013) Windows to The Womb: Revealing the Conscious Baby
From Conception to Birth
Chamberlain, David, Dr. (1998) Mind of The Newborn Baby
Demarmels, Ursula. (2015). Spiritual Regression for Peace & Healing
Dyer, Wayne, Dr., & Dee Garnes. (2015) Memories of Heaven: Children’s Astounding Recollections of The Time Before They Came to Earth
Freedman, T. (2002) Soul Echoes.
Gabriel, Michael and Marie Gabriel. (1992) Voices from the Womb: Consciousness and
Trauma in the Pre-Birth Self
Janov, Arthur. (1983) Imprints: The Lifelong Effects of the Birth Experience
Karll, Sunni D.D. (3rd ed. 2020) Sacred Birthing: Birthing a New Humanity
Newton, Michael (2004) Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression
Nilson, Lennart and Lars Hamberger. (5th ed. 2020) A Child is Born
Verny, Thomas and John Kelly (1982) The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can
Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life
Howe, Linda.2010. "How To Read The Akashic Records"
Laszlo, Ervin. 2009. “The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field”.
Todeschi, Kevin J. 1998. “Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life.”
Todeschi, Kevin J. 2009. “God in Real Life: Personal Encounters with The Divine” Trine, Cheryl. 2010. Trine, Cheryl. 2010. “The New Akashic Records: Knowing, Healing, & Spiritual Practice”.
Andrews, Ted. (2008) “The Intercession of Spirits: Working With Animals, Angels &
Cooper, Diana (2007). “Angel Answers: What the angels can teach us about the world we live
Grant, Robert J. (1994) “Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels and The Unseen Forces”.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. (2004) “The Encyclopedia of Angels”. 2nd Ed.
Mark, Barbara. (1995) “Angelspeake: How to Talk With Your Angels”.
Michael, Todd. (2008) “The Evolution Angel: An Emergency Physician’s Lessons with Death
and the Divine.”
Oakford, David L. (2007) “Journey Through The World of Spirit, God, Gaia, and Guardian
Ronner, John. (1985) “Do You Have A Guardian Angel?”.
Virtue, Doreen. (2004) “Archangels and Ascended Masters”.
Virtue, Doreen. )2008) “The Miracles of Archangel Michael”
Webster, Richard. (2008) “Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians: Contact Your Invisible Helpers”.
Webster, Richard. (2009)“Encyclopedia of Angels”
Webster, Richard. (2007)“Communicating with the Archangel Michael”,
(2007) “Communicating with the Archangel Raphael”
(2007) “Communicating with the Archangel Gabriel”
(2008) “Communicating with the Archangel Uriel”
White, Ruth. (1997) “Working with Your Guides and Angels”.
Andrews, Ted. "How to See And Read The Aura"
Bruyere, Rosalyn. Wheels of Light
Cayce, Edgar. "Auras"
McLaren, Karla. "Your Aura and Your Chakras"
Myss, Caroline. "Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing"
Webster, Richard. "Aura Reading For Beginners"
"The Chakras"
White, Ruth. "Using Your Chakras"
White, Ruth. "Working With Your Chakras"
Bethards, Betty. "The Dream Book"
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. "Encyclopedia of Dreams"
Hall, James. "Jungian Dream Interpretation"
Hill, Wendy. "Understanding Life: What My Ancestors Taught Me Through My Dreams"
Moss, Robert. "Conscious Dreaming"
"Dreamer’s Book of The Dead"
"The Three “Only” Things"
Taylor, Jeremy. Dream Work
Von Franz, Marie-Louse. On Dreams & Death
Whitmont, Edward C. Dreams; A Portal To The Source
Arons, H. “Master Course In Hypnosis”
(1961) “New Course in Hypnosis” used only
Chips, Allen. (2006)“Clinical Hypnotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach”
(2008) "Script Magic: A Hypnotherapist's Desk Reference" 2nd edition
Churchill, Randal. (1997). “Become the Dream: The Transforming Power of Hypnotic Dreamwork”
Dow, Mike. (2020) “Your Subconscious Brain Can Change Your Life”.
Elias, Jack. (2005)“Find True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP”
Elman, Dave. (1984) “Hypnotherapy”
Goldberg, Bruce. (1998) “New Age Hypnosis”
Gurgevich, Dr. Steven. (2011) “Hypnosis House Calls”
Hickman, Irene. (2015) “Mind Probe Hypnosis”
Hogan, Kevin & Mary Lee LaBay. (2012) “Through The Open Door: Secrets of Self-Hypnosis”
Holmes-Meredith, Holly. (2014) “Spiritual Hypnotherapy Scripts for Body, Mind, and Spirit"
Hunter, Roy. (2010)“The Art of Hypnotherapy”
Jones, Dan. (2018) “Hypnotherapy Revealed: Introduction to Hypnosis”
LaBay, Mary Lee (2003). “Hypnotherapy: A Client Centered Approach”
Lyons, Lynn (2015). “Using Hypnosis With Children - Creating and Delivering an Effective
Morris, Freda. (1979)“Hypnosis with Friends & Lovers”
Rhodes, Raphael H. (1987)“Hypnosis: Theory, Practice, And Application”
Rosen, Sidney (1987) “My Voice Will Go With You”
Rossi, Ernest Lawrence (1986). The Psychology of Mind-Body Healing: New Concepts of
Therapeutic Hypnosis
Taylor, Dr. Jill Bolte. (2009) “My Stroke of Insight”
Taylor, Kylea. (2017) “The Ethics of Caring: Finding Right Relationships with Clients for Profound,
Transformative Work in Professional Healing Relationships”
Yapko, Michael. (1995) “Essentials of Hypnosis”
(2011) "Mindfulness and Hypnosis"
(2021)“Process-Oriented Hypnosis”
There are many books about meditation, some simple and some more complex. Regular daily meditation is a life style change, but it doesn’t have to be a big one. That is up the individual. It is positive and beneficial for everyone. The more you do it the more you are able to do it. These books can be helpful for learning more about how to meditate, when and why. The final choices are up to you.
Bair, Puran. Living From The Heart: Heart Rhythm Meditation
Davich, Victor. 8 Minute Meditation
Glover, Harry. Meditation: The Light from Within
Griffith-Bennett, Cindy. Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives
Kornfield, Jack. Meditation for Beginners
Levin, Michal. Meditation: Path to the Deepest Self
Parnell, Charlotte. Meditation: A Beginner’s Guide
Roche, Lorin. Meditation Made Easy
Denning, Melita. The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense & Well-Being
Hewitt, William Psychic Development for beginners”
McArthur, Bruce. Your Life: Understanding The Universal Laws
Myss, Caroline. Entering The Castel: Find The Inner Path To You and Your Soul’s Purpose.
Potter, Jan and Richard. Spiritual Development For Beginners
Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy
Reed, Henry. Awakening Your Psychic Powers
Schulz, Mona. Awakening Intuition
Virtue, Doreen. The LightWorker’s Way
Bache, C.M., Ph.D. (1964) Lifecycles: Reincarnation and The Web of Life
Beachy, Marcia. (2004). This Divine Classroom.
Bolduc, Henry L. (1988). The Journey Within: Past-Life Regression and Channeling.
Bolduc, Henry L. (1994). Life Patterns: Soul Lessons & Forgiveness.
Bowman, Carol. Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child.
Brown, Sylvia. Past Lives, Future Healing
Cannon, Dolores, (1993) Between Death & Life
Christie-Murray, Davis. Ancient Beliefs and Modern Evidence
Cockell, Jenny. (1994) Across Time and Death: A Mother's Search For Her Past Life Children
(1998) Past Lives Future Lives
(2021) Living With Past Lives
Cranston, Sylvia & J. Head, ed. (1977). Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery.
Cranston, Sylvia & C. Williams. Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society
Danelek, Allen J. Mystery of Reincarnation: The Evidence & Analysis of Rebirth.
Demarmels, Ursula (2015) Spiritual Regression For Peach & Healing
Dethlefsen, T. (1977). Voices from Other Lives: Reincarnation as a Source of Healing
Eaton, Barry (2019). Past Lives Unveiled: Discover How Consciousness Moves Between Lives
Finkelstein, Adrian. Your Past Lives and The Healing Process
Fiore, Edith. (1978). You Have Been Here Before.
Freedman, T. (2002). Soul Echoes.
Goldberg, B. (1988). Past Lives, Future Lives
Head, Joseph & Sylvia Cranston. Reincarnation: An East-West Anthology
Kumarasingham, Reena. (2018). Shrouded Truth: Biblical Revelations Through Past Life Journeys
(2020). The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into The Sacred Feminine Mysteries
(2020).(Divine Consciousness: The Secret Story of James The Brother of Jesus and The Early
Christian Church
LaBay, Mary Lee. 2004. Past Life Regression: A Guide For Practitioners
Lawton, Ian. (2007) The Wisdom of The Soul
Lenz, F. (1979). Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincarnation.
Moody, Raymond (1991). Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past Life Journeys
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. (1997). Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity.
Schwartz, Robert (2007). Courageous Souls
Snow, Robert L. Looking For Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective’s Search for History
Steiner, R. (1962). Reincarnation and Karma: How Karma Works
Stevenson, I. (1974). 20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. (2nd ed.).
(1987). Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation.
Sutphen, Dick (1976). You Were Born To Be Together
Talbot, Michael. (1987). Your Past Lives - A Reincarnation Handbook.
TenDam, Hans (1996) Deep Healing: A Practical Outline of Past Life Therapy
Tomlinson, Andy (2006) Healing The Eternal Soul
Tomlinson, Andy (2007) Exploring The Eternal Soul
Tucker, Jim B., (2008). Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives
(2015). Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives
(2021). Before: Children's Memories of Previous Lives
VanHoose, Captain L. Edward. (1996). The Voice: How The Bible Reveals Reincarnation
Waldron, Virginia R. (2016). Path To Wellness: Past Life Regression as a Healing Modality: Theory
(2016). Path To Wellness: Past Life Regression as a Healing Modality: Practicum
Wambach, H. (1978). Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis.
Weiss, B. L., M.D. (1988). Many Lives, Many Masters.
Weiss, B. L., Ph.D. (1992). Through Time Into Healing.
Weiss, Brian L., Ph.D. (1996). Only Love is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited.
White, Ruth (2001). Karma & Reincarnation
Woolger, Roger. (1987). Other Lives, Other Selves.
Anderson, George & Andrew Barone (2001) Walking In The Garden of Souls.
Bache, Christopher M. (1994). Lifecycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life
Eaton, Barry (2019). Past Lives Unveiled: Discover How Consciousness Moves Between
Evens-Wentz, W. Y. (1960). The Tibetan Book of the Dead. (3rd ed.).
Goldberg, B. (1988). Past Lives, Future Lives.
Grant, Robert J. (2000). The Place We Call Home
Kapleau, P., and Paterson Simons, eds.,. (1971). The Wheel of Death.
Newton, Michael. (1994) Journey of Souls.
Newton, Michael. (2001) Destiny of Souls.
Ring, Kennith. Heading Toward Omega
*Weiss, Brian L. Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives
through Progression.
Whitten, J.L., & Joe Fisher (1988) Life Between Lives
Andrews, Ted (1999), Animal-Wise: The Spirit language and Signs of Nature
(2003), Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great and
(2004) Natur-Speak
(2006) How to Meet and Work With Spirit Guides
Cowan, Eliot (1995). Plant Spirit Medicine
Cowan, Tom (1996), Shamanism As a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life
Harner, Michael (1990), The Way of the Shaman
Ingerman, Sandra (2004), Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide
Hunt, Victoria. Animal Omens
Madden, Kristin (2004), The Book of Shamanic Healing
Mark, Barbara & Trudy Griswold. Angelspeake: A Guide How to Talk With Your Angels.
Wesselman, Hank (1995), SpiritWalker: Messages from The Future
(2003), The Journey to the Sacred Garden: A Guide to Traveling in the
Spiritual Realms
Wesselman, Hank & Jill Kuykendal (2004), Spirit Medicine: Healing in the Sacred Realms
White, Ruth (1996), Working With Your Guides and Angels
(2004), Working With Spirit Guides: How to Meet, Communicate With and
Be Protected by Your Guides
Cloud Atlas
Somewhere in Time
Defending Your Life
Heaven Can Wait
Heart and Souls
The Love Letter
Dead Again
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